I’ve made TREMENDOUS strides on 'Cap Mossman and the Return of Chacon'. Four levels, four weapons, and a whole cast of characters have been implemented. I am incredibly proud of what I was able to put together so far.
Give Episode 1 of 'Cap Mossman and the Return of Chacon' a play and let me know what you think.

I've gotten together an alpha of a Beat Em Up I've called 'Road of Brawl'. It's got the fundamental game-play elements I am looking to use in the project I'm working on….

….that project being tentatively titled 'RO-HO-EN Rumble'!!!
I have received the artwork commissioned by Very Evil Tomato and Awacato. They have truly produced some phenomenal artwork and I have eagerly spent the past weeks implementing it.
Please play the build I’ve uploaded, it’s still very much a work in progress.

RoHoEn Rumble Alpha
