Ahhh yesss!!! I am slowly closing out tasks and wrapping up items for RoHoEn Rumble that are left to be implemented. I won’t comment on what I have left as I think you’ll enjoy the full project in its completeness however I can tell you RoHoEn Rumble is VERY close to launching.

If you want, take a look at the most recent build on ‘simmer.io’. It has new sound effects from MercuriusFM, updated combat, and more!
RoHoEn Rumble (simmer.io)

To get stoked I offer you all an old Power Rangers Zeo Promo

You gotta see it! It's coming!!!

You gotta see it(RoHoEn Rumble)! It’s coming!!!

This old promo was actually a inter-season promo that is really hard to find. It may be on the Power Ranger DVDs, I’ll have to check. Online it’s called ‘The Lost Prologue.’
I cannot emphasize how hype that promo made me when I was little. I loved Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and when Master Vile defeated the rangers and turned them into kids they had to have the Alien Rangers from Aquitar help them out instead.
The Alien Rangers would continue to fight Master Vile while the Rangers went on their ‘Zeo Quest’ to find the Zeo Crystals and gain new powers after losing the Mighty Morphin powers. During this moment in time, parts of that prologue would play out during commercial breaks until all of it was eventually aired. When Power Rangers Zeo came out, it was critical mass for Power Rangers hype.
Never forget the Lost Prologue.

See you soon,
-The Firebrand of Phoenix