Today is an exciting day! As of this sentence, I have finally finished the process for submitting RoHoEn Rumble to steam!
This is a momentous day for myself. I never thought I’d be able to release a game on the Steam platform. As I have been developing for the past eight-ish years, it never really dawned on me to pursue this avenue.
This past week was spent processing applications and setting up the back end of the ‘The Firebrand of Phoenix’ developer page and submitting RoHoEn Rumble. I am shocked at how hard a lot of the steam store front appears at first glance. In order to upload a game to Steam you have to use ‘Steamworks SDK’ and to be honest I wasn’t able to successfully upload the payload via their SteamCMD. It’s definitely a learning curve and if I have files over 2gigs then I’ll need to figure out how to use the SteamCMD.
I’m not sure when RoHoEn Rumble will be approved but IT.IS.COMING!
I’ve slated the initial release date for 03-01-2021 pending everything is processed smoothly.
Looking back on the past year of development there is a lot I definitely had to learn. I’ve gotten more familiar with the 2020.1.7f1 build of Unity and their more modern solutions. I’ve switched from using ‘Tiled2Unity’ which was a phenomenal tile-map system at the time but the new ‘2D Extras’ tools by Unity has a built in tile-map with advanced features that works beyond my expectations at placing objects in the world seamlessly and with ease. I also signed up for a Unity Student account via the Github Student portal. That has been incredibly useful at giving me 5 seats to share projects with using Unity Collaborate. Which brings me to my last success which is using Unity Collaborate for Version Control. Before I was just making literal backups and storing them on a NAS but Unity Collaborate, for me, works really well and has been a total boon towards managing projects.
Regardless of what I learned, I think what I have the most pride and sense of accomplishment about last year is that I have made meaningful relationships and partnerships. I am very lucky to have been able to work with ‘Very Evil Tomato’, ‘Awacato’, and ‘MercuriusFM’ on RoHoEn Rumble. As much as I am able to do on my own, without out them my dreams of publishing a game would not be possible.
I am very very lucky to have been able to work with them on a project to completion. I take a lot of pride in what we were able to produce together.
With that, please look forward to March 1st 2021 for the release of RoHoEn Rumble on Steam and prepare for the grotesque and terrifying ‘Easley’s Fun Shop of Horror’ in the future!
鷺鳳園 (RoHoEn)